What’s the Deal with Silk and Satin Pillowcases?

What’s the Deal with Silk and Satin Pillowcases?

We aren’t denying that you need your beauty sleep. But what’s going on with the pillow you lay your head to rest on? And no, we’re not talking about firmness—we’re talking about your pillowcase.

You’ve probably seen the hype about using silk or satin pillowcases, but what do they actually do? Let’s break it down.

Why It’s Time to Ditch Cotton Pillowcases

First of all, why are we hating on the traditional pillowcases that come with our sheet sets?

The rough fibres of cotton pillowcases make it difficult for your hair to move around with your head, leading to breakage in the night and bedhead in the morning. With knots adorning your head, it’s harder to brush your hair, and the more you yank, the more your hair will break.

Additionally, your hair can get super frizzy because of cotton pillowcases, especially if you fall asleep with damp hair. And the cotton fibres that are great at absorbing water when your hair is wet will actually strip the natural oils from your hair and skin, causing hair dry hair and premature wrinkles.


What About Silk?

Silk is a natural fibre that various insects produce to build cocoons. The silk used for fabric typically comes from harvested silkworms. Silk has been highly coveted since it was first developed in China approximately 8,500 years ago.

The luxurious fabric still costs a lot of money, leading to manufacturers cutting corners. They often mix other fabrics with pure silk to cut costs, but this usually affects absorbency, hypoallergenic properties, and frictionless texture.

Because pure silk is expensive to produce, authentic silk pillowcases are not for all beauty budgets.


And Satin?

Satin isn’t actually a fabric; it’s a form of weaving. But we use satin as a blanket term for materials that use this particular type of weaving that gives it a glossy, sleek surface. So silk is a kind of satin, but satins can also be produced with more cost-efficient fabrics such as polyester, rayon, acetate, and nylon.

Satin is made by weaving over X number of threads and under one, so a 4/1 satin would be a weave created by passing over four threads and under one. The weaving pattern gives the fabric a soft, shiny side and a dull, matte side.

Developing satin from synthetic fabrics make materials more flexible than natural silk. Non-silk satins are infinitely more affordable, which means you can find one that fits into your budget!

Silk vs Satin



  • Breathable fabric
  • Hypoallergenic because it’s naturally resistant to fungus, mould, mites, and allergens
  •  Doesn’t contain synthetic ingredients
  • Thought to help clear up acne
  • Significantly more affordable
  • Much easier to find in stores and online
  • Can be thrown into the wash with your other laundry
  • Sometimes softer than natural silk


Benefits of Using a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Now that we know the difference between silk and satin, let’s get to the point of why you need to cover your pillow with one of these fabrics. 

For starters, these pillows will make you feel like royalty. Laying your head down on a silk or satin pillow will make it even harder to get out of bed in the morning. However, you will want to get out of bed because you’ll wake up with fewer tangles and frizz-free hair.

These pillowcases are a curly-headed person’s BFF because they aren’t as irritating as their cotton counterparts. So, if you have a curly mane, you should pick up one of these pillowcases ASAP. On top of that, you’ll have a better shot of growing out your hair if that’s one of your goals because satin and silk pillowcases prevent breakage. Your hair will be able to retain its natural oils, keeping it hydrated in a good way. And while we’re here, we may as well toss in some of the skin benefits that come with silk and satin pillowcases, including fewer creases and hydrated skin. We definitely think this trend is worth a try.
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